Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Turkey Day

I love me some holiday.  Thanksgiving is the day I consider to "kick off" the holiday season for me and my local radio station just started playing Christmas music 24/7, so I am roaring and ready to go!

While Friday is reserved for Christmas decorating, I am trying to spend the first part of the week focused on Thanksgiving.

I'm home this week from work to take my "fall break" and am soaking in every single cuddle, kiss, and runny nose.  I can't tell you how nice it is to be able to take the time to cook with my kids, prepare decent meals, and actually have some quality time with my family, without the hassle and worry (or rush) of work. 

Without rushing (too much) into Christmas, we are starting to prep for Thanksgiving.
Mama has taken a little time for herself and is prepping her skin with Eminence Yam and Pumpkin Enzyme Peel and Eminence Pumpkin Latte Hydration Masque.  Anytime I have "me" time I usually do one of two things, which are journaling/planning or skin care routines (paired with a bath of course).  So, while the kids are napping, I'm getting some skincare in and love that I can coordinate my skincare treatment with the holidays with these "festive" products (and oh-ma-ga, the smell...).

This year, we are jumping around a lot on Thanksgiving day.  We're starting out the day visiting my mom at the care center (she unfortunately broke her wrist and knee cap, so is in the care center to be able to receive daily physical therapy), then onto my Grandma Helen's, and last onto Greg's grandparents.  We may try to sneak in a visit to my other Grandma as well.  Since we are hopping around a lot, I am still debating what type of food to bring.  Knowing it will need to hold up without a freezer and not need to stay heated, I am leaning towards cookies and thought these sugar cookies looked super cute.  Given my patience with decorating, I may be leaning more towards a traditional pumpkin-chocolate chip cookie...or store bought fudge.

The rest of the week has been play dates in the playroom with Liam and sneaking tummy time in between naps with Eva.  Our family does not have a lot of Thanksgiving traditions, other than eating, so I am bursting to start our Christmas traditions with the kids. So, bring on Christmas...but first, Thanksgiving.

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