I hope everyone had a healthy start to the new year, because we certainly have not. For the past two months one of us has been sick with something, with maybe a gift of a day of two in between of everyone being healthy. We had a streak of about five days where we were all good and I thought the germs were all behind us, until Friday night, when Liam woke up with a fever around midnight. Now it's Sunday night and he's worse than he was Friday night. I hate seeing him this ill. He's a kid who can be sick, but will still run around and play, but this round, he's pretty much couch bound and cries every time he coughs. We took him to urgent care, but they said it's viral and we'd have to wait it out. So, here I am, waiting it out with him, at 7:00pm in my bed (yup, writing from my bed). I'm just hoping the rest of our family doesn't catch anything. Being a stay-at-home mom is always in the back of my mind, but these times especially are the times I wish I could just devote 100% of my time to caring for my family.
In happier news, Eva Las Vegas is a whole 6 months old! I can hardly believe it. I felt with Liam time passed so slow that first year as we were anxious for him to meet his first milestones. I feel with Eva, if we blink, we'll miss everything and she'll be talking and walking before we know it. She continues to be fairly easy going. She loves hearing herself "talk," rolling on her belly (and sleeping on her belly), watching Liam, looking in the mirror, and has recently discovered pulling the kitty's hair. It's so fun to see how much more Liam attends to her now that she is getting her own personality and can respond with giggles and smiles to him. She is working on sitting up by herself and can hold it together for about 10 seconds before she topples over (which Liam loves).
In unrelated news, after eating three meals of pizza this weekend, Greg and I decided we really need to eat healthier and actually took some action and wrote down some meal ideas, which is about one step further than we usually take when we mention we need to eat healthier. I even prepped some over night oats for tomorrow. Props to me. Hopefully we can keep this health kick going...although I will admit, the idea of giving up pasta gives me a slight panic attack. I think I'll compromise with that one by just adding spinach to the lasagna. It's all about balance, right?
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