Monday, December 7, 2015

Eva's Gift to Us

Look at the face.  Instead of us getting a gift for Eva for her five month birthday, she decided to bestow upon us a gift of her own, the flu.

I got a call from daycare Friday around noon that Eva just didn't seem like herself, so I picked up the kids and headed home for the weekend.  She was not running a temperature, but slept almost all day.  The next morning she woke up happy, hungry, and ready to play, so I did not think much of it.  Flash forward to five o'clock that night, the nausea and hot flashes struck me like a ton of bricks, all while we were at a retirement party.  Without going into details, it was not pretty and my little adventure turned into an emergency room event by the time ten o'clock came.  I actually attributed it to food poisoning, until Liam and Greg got struck with the same thing, luckily not as severe, the next morning. 

I'll just tell you now that having a family of four experience the stomach flu in a span of forty-eight hours falls just slightly below sky diving without a parachute on list of things I love to do.   Needless to say, we had some sacrifices during this ordeal, including some pillows and Eva's play-mat.

However, keeping things in perspective, we're lucky it was just the flu, as I know people experience much worse and ongoing struggles in their lives.  And thank goodness we live just minutes from the hospital...

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